Tuesday, January 20, 2009

30 Years on Planet Earth

When you are young, you never think of life beyond 30. I, now have to, because what I have been dreading has just gone by. I am 30 years old now. I managed to skip the sight of a ‘small bright white pineapple cake with 30 candles pierced mercilessly’. However, I can still imagine the sight. Thirty candles would not leave out enough space for the text ‘HAPPY B’DAY UTSAV’ to stand out. I see ‘HAPPY’ being bludgeoned by the candles, suggesting my state of mind. I am depressed because I am old.

So you grow wise with your age, so you are respected more, so your opinions have more weight, so you are financially independent, so the world is your oyster…Bull Shit (pardon). I am still as (un)wise as I have been, I still behave like a 15 years old and I am more financially dependant.

Despite being shown the brighter side, I still fear the changes that will come with age:

· I will grow older and not better. I dread the fat deposits on my face and else where. Exercise won’t help me, I am sure
· I will have to go for regular health check-up. This is expected out of all people more than thirty.
· My investments will now be more in pensions and retirement plans.
· My vacations will increasingly become more of sight-seeing and less of adventurous.
· The white streak of hair that will pronounce in me despondency if not ‘old’ age.
· Declining inclination of fairer sex and ever tightening and entangling web of life and its responsibilities.

This sounds really miserable. Isn’t it? Yes, if one’s mind ages with age. Since, in my mind, I am still 15 years old, the charm of ‘living’ far outweighs the calendar entry called ‘age’. Thus, I look forward to:
This sounds really miserable. Isn’t it? Yes, if one’s mind ages with age. Since, in my mind, I am still 15 years old, the charm of ‘living’ far outweighs the calendar entry called ‘age’. Thus, I look forward to:

· The ability to plan my life, the way I want it.
· Switching my career pursuant to my hobbies
· Fathering a new generation and grow old with it
· And above all ‘LIVING LIFE’

As an ending note, Can a thirty year old still be called in his late twenties? It sounds good somehow.

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